Gladys studying art...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Midterm 1

Wow! Yesterday's midterm was totally unconventional and I liked that about it. College can sometimes get a little redundant when it comes to testing and I think the way our midterms are structured will keep us on track and it makes learning about art a more personal experience. After we watched Ernesto Ramirez's speech and learned that we were going to be standing up during the entire meeting, I found it funny, but very smart. I'm not sure what my classmates thought about it, but by the end of the class meeting, I could see some people leaning against a desk. I tend to stand up usually when I'm out of my house and not in a class room. I actually prefer it so I was in my comfort zone with the idea. After watching the speech I was a little proud of myself because I actually make the time to work out so it was good to hear someone talk about how physical activity will help you live longer. I always knew it was a good thing that I'm athletic. At the same time, though Ernesto's speech put some guilt in me because when I'm at home, most of my time is spent on my bed whether I'm laying down or sitting up.

Even though I was second to last and ran out of time when we went over our blogs, I was okay with the way it worked out because I got a lot of information from my group. It was refreshing to share opinions with my class mates and hear about their blogs from a first person stand point rather than glancing at someone's blog with no real connection to the writer. I wish this was the standard way for all college tests. hahaha!

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